James Harkins <jamshar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A quick web search didn't turn up anything handy, so I thought I'd ask here.
> Is it possible to configure the new exporter to open a PDF (generated
> by LaTeX) using evince instead of okular?
> That is, if I open a file browser (this is Ubuntu 12.04) and
> double-click on a PDF, evince opens it. If I write a beamer
> presentation in org and do C-c C-e l O, okular opens it.
> I did a couple of customize-apropos searches but didn't see anything obvious.
> (I'm aware that some swear by okular, but I think evince handles
> paging slightly better when zooming to "best fit" for presentations.
> So I'd rather use that.)

There are too many cooks in this particular kitchen, but checking a
couple of places should be enough in most cases: org-file-apps is the
most immediate place but unless you've customized it, it should say

       ("\\.pdf\\'" . default)

which takes us to the next cook: mailcap. ~/.mailcap overrides the
system /etc/mailcap and there may be more (`man 5 mailcap' should reveal
the rest), so check them in order. I prefer xpdf so my mailcap says:

| $ grep pdf ~/.mailcap
| application/pdf; xpdf -q %s

I like putting things in ~/.mailcap, but you can season to taste.


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