Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaziou <at>> writes:
> I'm not questioning the usefulness of the patch. I want to know if
> `org-latex--inline-image' is the appropriate function to provide that
> feature or if the feature should be provided through another function.
> In particular, `org-latex--inline-image' provide options to wrap the
> picture in wrapfigure environment, or to set width optional argument for
> includegraphics. If it doesn't make sense in this case, the code could
> as well be moved into another function, like `org-latex--input-file',
> which would handle options specific for \input.

1) I don't know offhand what wrapfigure does, but as long as it just manipulates
boxes, I think it should work just fine with tikz.

2) Since \input doesn't take any options, you can't give it any.  Such options
would have to be given to the tikzpicture environment, which is inside the file
you are trying to include.  You can however nest tikzpicutre environments and
have options transfer from the outside to the inside, so if somebody gives you
options, just wrap the input statement in another tikzpicture environment.  But
the options are very different from includegraphics.  Scaling a tikzpicture you
should manipulate its box (resizebox or scalebox), but you'll almost almost want
to set the canvas on the original tikzpicture to the correct size so that the
text stays a sensible size.


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