I've been using the :wrap parameter extensively, to give me control over the
formatting of results from code blocks.  For files with many such blocks, it
makes sense to specify the formatting at the file level. This works well, unless
I want a particular block to be unwrapped. Just specifying :wrap with no
parameter wraps the output in #+BEGIN_RESULTS...#+END_RESULTS, which is *not*
what I want. The only way to get what I want is to move :wrap from the file
level to each block I *do* want wrapped.

I'd like to be able to disable wrapping for particular blocks. I've started
experimenting with code to do that, but I'm not sure what the best behaviour
should be, and would appreciate suggestions.

Some ideas I've considered:
  + Have :wrap by itself disable wrapping; if you want to wrap in   
    BEGIN_RESULTS..END_RESULTS you'll have to specify :wrap RESULTS.
  + Use a special string (e.g., :wrap off) to disable wrapping. Of course,
    this makes it impossible to wrap your output in a BEGIN_OFF..END_OFF block, 
    should you ever want to do that.
  + Use a special symbol instead of a string to turn off wrapping (e.g., :wrap 

Kind Regards,
Mike Gauland

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