Is it possible to have a block agenda that contains two daily/weekly
agendas that are "opposites" of each other, based on something like a
tag? For example I have my normal todo list things that are scheduled,
and then I have other regular things, like cleaning and taking care of
other tasks that occur every week. Below is an example

* Tasks
** File paperwork
SCHEDULED: <2013-05-17 Fri>
** Build model airplane
SCHEDULED: <2013-05-18 Sat>
* Regular chores    :chores:
** Dishes
<%%(member (calendar-day-of-week date) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6))>
** Laundry
<%%(= 6 (calendar-day-of-week date))>

What I want is a block agenda, using two agenda blocks. The first will
*exclude* the entrys tagged as :chores: and the second will *include*
any entry that is tagged with :chores:.

Is there a way to accomplish this with tags, or maybe properties?



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