Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Thomas S. Dye writes:
>> The orgmanual now creates a pdf file, too, but one lacking the indexes
>> and with links that look like they need another run through TeX.
> In that case, texi2dvi and hence make should have signaled an error
> (I've just pulled from your repo and it does).

Yes, it signals two errors here:

Output written on orgmanual.pdf (269 pages, 1122108 bytes).
Transcript written on orgmanual.log.
/opt/local/bin/texi2dvi: pdftex exited with bad status, quitting.
make[1]: *** [orgmanual.pdf] Error 1
make: *** [orgmanual] Error 2

>> When I'm done running `make orgmanual', my directory is very neat and
>> tidy, which is nice, but I'll need to look at the auxiliary files used
>> to build the indexes, so I can debug.
> Add
> TEXI2PDF+=--tidy
> at the beginning of orgmanual/Makefile, then look in the orgmanual.t2d
> directory.

There they are, in orgmanual.t2d/pdf/build.  Thanks!

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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