Hi Achim,

Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:

> Bastien writes:
>> I like Aaron's idea (maybe others proposed this too) of having
>> parameters in links:
> We've had some of this discussion about two years ago IIRC, so here I am
> again: there's an internet standard for this kind of thing, it's called
> URN/URI.  

I'm all for following established standards, but I'm not sure what is
the concrete proposal here.

Do you mean using something like this


for the file: protocol, where key, prenote and postnote would be
parsed as keywords by the export function?  Obvisouly we cannot
use this for the http protocol, local parameters would conflict
with the URL ones -- but maybe I didn't understand.

Thanks for further enlightenment!


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