Hello Dario,

On 12 February 2013 17:09, Dario Hamidi <dario.ham...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Jonathan,
> > Using your patch as is would wrap the source blocks in both example and
> > verbatim blocks.  If going with verbatim it would be better to remove all
> > references to @example/@end example.
> I don't understand where the problem lies with having a `@verbatim'
> within a `@example'. Could you maybe explain to me why this is
> problematic?
> Using both environments seems to achieve the goal of having an idented
> source block in the resulting info file without having to further
> process the source block before export.
> Consider exporting
>     #+BEGIN_SRC sh
>     function fails
>     {
>         echo "this causes an error with makeinfo"
>     }
>     #+END_SRC
> with only the verbatim environment:
>     File: test.info,  Node: Top,  Up: (dir)
>     Manual
>     ******
>     function fails
>     {
>         echo "this causes an error with makeinfo"
>     }
> and with verbatim in example:
>     File: test.info,  Node: Top,  Up: (dir)
>     Manual
>     ******
>          function fails
>          {
>              echo "this causes an error with makeinfo"
>          }
> > It should be possible to escape any braces or @ before inserting them
> into
> > the
> > example block to ensure there is no expansion.
> While it certainly is possible, it would also mean to properly escape
> *all* characters with a special meaning to TeX.  I suppose that making
> text containing such characters visible in a document without having to
> escape them is what the verbatim environment is for.
> > The only differences in using @verbatim over escaping any characters in
> > @example are the following:
> >   - Tabs are treated as tabs and not as single spaces
> >   - The code block is not indented.
> Preserving whitespace seems like a good idea when displaying python
> source code or makefiles.
> Dario

I've implemented a fix for this that should resolve the issue.  `@ { }` are
properly escaped before export within source blocks.  I didn't wrap the one
block in the other since the issue also existed within lisp blocks (where
inserting a verbatim block within a lisp block would have likely caused
had someone wanted to extract any @lisp code from the info file.



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