I've tried and it works now.


On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Eric Schulte <> wrote:
> Luca Ferrari <> writes:
>> Hi all,
>> maybe I'm getting something wrong but when I add to a file the following 
>> block:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC shell
>> ![+-] program
>> ![+-] hostname
>> #+END_SRC
>> and do a Latex export I got an "unbalanced" error. I suspect the
>> problem is tied to the "+" signs that are within the block. Is there a
>> trick I can use here?
>> I'm using the org mode into Emacs 24.2.1.
>> Thanks,
>> Luca
> Hi Luca,
> Your example exports without problem with the latest version of
> Org-mode.
> Best,
> --
> Eric Schulte

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