Hi Suvayu,

2013ko martxoak 12an, Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+-ek idatzi zuen:
> That is understandable, but if the aim is to support other kinds of
> graphics that support :width, I expect the change to not interfere with
> graphics that do not support it.  I think there are two cases here:
> 1. the author targets the document for a specific backend that does not
>    support :width
> 2. the author expects to export to multiple backends and wants to be as
>    general as possible so uses and expects :width to work.

:width is an ATTR_LATEX keyword, as is :options.  So they only apply to
the LaTeX backend – and those which derive from it, such as beamer.  If
document authors wish to also export to e.g. HTML, they will have to
make separate arrangements.

> So now the question is, is it reasonable to expect the author in case
> (1) is aware of this subtlety and use :width even though her/his backend
> does not support it, or would it be better to handle these deficient
> cases "specially" and help the author by not clobbering their :options
> argument.

Eliminating subtleties is precisely the point of this change.  All(-ish)*
backends now use :width.

* As far as I’ve checked, HTML(+ derived backends) and LaTeX(+derived
backends).  If there are any that don’t, they should probably be patched
to do so as well.

Aaron Ecay

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