
I had to update my web site [1] today, a site which is written in
org.  This was the first attempt at using the new exporter for
publishing for a site written with the old exporter in mind.  I thought
I would summarise the changes I had to make to have them all in one

1. change #+SETUPFILE: to #+INCLUDE: and add quotes to the file name.

2. change all configuration lines that I had previously commented out by
   adding a # (to get "##+") at the start to just "# +" as comment lines
   now must start with "# ".  This is not a change due to the new
   exporter but one that came in a while ago -- you can tell how often I
   update my web site!  :(

3. add ":publishing-function" to all of my entries in
   org-publish-project-alist.  Before, no such entry was required.  The
   value of this setting is "org-html-publish-to-html" and this entry
   appears to be required in each element in the alist even for entries
   that are referred to by other entries.

4. change all #+STYLE: directives to #+HTML_HEAD:

After this, everything worked perfectly fine (well, except for some
ditaa related export issues which I will address later).  I am
summarising this here as it took me a while to track down the various
bits by trawling the mailing list and Worg.

Again, thanks to all involved and Nicolas in particular for the new exporter.


[1]  http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucecesf/

Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D)

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