Viktor Rosenfeld <> writes:


> With regard to the time grid you might want to check out the variable
> org-agenda-time-grid. I have it set thusly:
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (setq org-agenda-time-grid 
>       '((daily today required-time)
>         ""
>         (600 1200 1800 2400)))
> The first part of the variable shows the time grid in the day agenda,
> but not in the weekly agenda, except for today's date.

I have this already, and it does help.  However, I also would like what
Piotr was requesting.  When I switch to a week view, I don't want the
time grid appearing at all as it takes up too much space and the week
view is about a bigger picture, not the detail (for me, at least
;-).  It would be great to have some way of switching the grid on and
off when changing views without recourse to custom views.

But, as always, this is not a critical issue!

: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_7.9.3f-1199-g3a0e55

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