Hi Richard,

2013ko martxoak 14an, Richard Stanton-ek idatzi zuen:
> Using the minted package, I get very nice colored listings in the PDF
> files generated by exporting to LaTeX, but there's always a lot of extra
> space after each listing and before any text that immediately follows.
> This seems to be an issue with the minted package itself, but I'm
> wondering if anyone has come up with a  simple work-around (short of
> inserting negative space after each listing).

It looks like the answer to your question is “sort of”: there are
workarounds, though whether they qualify as simple is largely a matter
of taste.  Check out these two StackOverflow discussions on the topic
(including solutions):


In general, the TeX StackExchange site (the second link) is a marvelous
resource for LaTeX-related questions.  Many questions are already
answered there (with a usable search interface), and the community is
very friendly and helpful for new questions/users.

Aaron Ecay

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