
First Reader, then this ... that was a bad press release :-( OTOH there is 
already some support for google APIs via the g-client package. One drawback of 
the package is that it doesn't work very well, at least on my machine many 
commands fail. Another one is that it seems not to have moved a lot for years.

But it _can_ list my calendars, meaning that it can authenticate and have some 
sort of interaction with google's servers. Maybe interfacing with that would 
not be too hard? 

One repo here: https://github.com/jaalto/emacs-epackage--g-client (it is also 
in el-get).


Vincent Beffara

On Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 17:19 , David Engster wrote:

> Google has announced today that they will shut down their CalDAV API in
> September, since hey, everybody's using their own protocol anyway.
> org-caldav will then cease to work with Google calendar. I won't work on
> supporting the Google calendaring API until there's a free server
> implementation for it, which can be self-hosted. If someone else would
> like to work on that, please create a fork under a different name.
> -David 

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