Hi Orgers,

I use double spaces to demarcate end of sentences
(sentence-end-double-space t).  Now when I use things like "e.g. " or
"Fig. ", Emacs understands it is not the end of sentence and does the
"right thing", say for filling.  However when I export a phrase like
that from Org, say to LaTeX, I have to be mindful and write something
like this instead: "e.g.\space{}"[1].  Although this works, it is very
distracting while writing and prone to human error.  I would like some
seamless way for Org to respect my sentence-end-double-space setting
while exporting and export single spaces as single spaces.

Can someone suggest someway to get this to work?  It would be even more
awesome if this can be included in Org, i.e. respect
sentence-end-double-space in exported text by default.

Thanks for any ideas.



[1] I have (org-entities-user '(("space" "~" nil " " " " " " " "))) in
    my Org settings.


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