'Mash (Thomas Herbert) <mash...@toshine.net> wrote:

> Morning,
> I wanted to know how I would change the default '_archive' extension?
> I work with encrypted org files "foo.gpg" with Easy PG and the
> added header...
> # -*- mode: org; epa-file-encrypt-to: ("mash...@toshine.net") -*-
> But today I discovered that when I archive my TODO items they are of
> course saved unencrypted to the archive file "foo.gpg_archive".
> This really is not ideal situation!
> I tried adding my header to the "_archive" file but this doesn't work, I
> assume because the extension is not ".gpg".
> Any ideas how would I change the default "_archive" extension to
> "_archive.gpg" or better setup a case where it would change the
> extension only if the org file is ".gpg" to begin with?
> I suppose could also look to setup a case for Easy PG to work with a
> different extension, but would prefer to define the change for
> org-mode instead.

C-h v org-archive-<TAB> gives some idea of the variables that are there.

org-archive-location is what you need to change in order to add the .gpg

I have no idea however, whether that's enough to allow you to do what
you want to do.


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