Hi Lawrence,

Lawrence Bottorff <galaxybeinglam...@gmail.com> writes:

> I've got a header, after which I want to insert
> * Header
>   :CUSTOM_ID: [2013-03-15 Fri 11:22]
>   :END:
> I've tried C-c C-x d and C-u M-x org-insert-drawer. Sometimes C-c C-x
> d works (offering only [RESULTS] which creates empty :: ... :END:),
> sometime it does nothing. C-u M-x org-insert-drawer sometimes offers
> me choices, sometimes doesn't telling me I should use C-c C-x d. Once
> I do get
>   :END:
> C-c C-x p offers me choices

`C-c C-x p' is the right thing to use for inserting properties.
`C-c C-x d' is for inserting custom drawers.

>  (I choose :CUSTOM_ID:) and seems to work
> properly, but again, sometimes does nothing after affirming
> prompting,
> What am I doing wrong. I simply want to have a timestamp property for
> each header. Can anyone advise me how to create this :PROPERTIES:
> insertion behavior consistently?

Mhh.. I can't reproduce the problem.  Can you provide a recipe with
emacs -Q on how to reproduce this consistently?

Thanks in advance, 


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