Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> Robert Eckl <> writes:
>> I have to provide weekly newsletters in the format pdf and html. Up to
>> now i did this with exporting to scrartcl, known as koma-script.
>> Including images is a bit booring because i handle two formats, for example
> I am not sure what your latex bits are trying to accomplish so it's
> difficult to advise on how to achieve what you want.  Maybe wrapfigure,
> which org export supports (float option, I believe, but I am not sure),
> is what you need instead of "window"?

The latex bits are doing what they should. |-----------------------------|
I don't want the image floating, because   |                             |
the text regularly is small. The image     |                             |
will be placed how you can see here.       |-----------------------------|
Here the text goes over the complete line - If I'm using a list i have
to put it in a parbox. The environment window is provided by package
"picinpar", seems that it not works within beamer.

Perhaps for this yasnippet as recommended from Marcin would be usefull.

OTOH i would like to use beamer in future, Beamer_Col does a similar
job, except of surrounding the image with text. Does Beamer provide
something like this?

But, if i write the text for Beamer-Output, i have to handle html-output
extra. The LaTeX-package "comment" isn't provided by beamer, I don't
know neither how to comment out the HTML-Code for LaTeX-Beamer-fragments
nor how to comment out Beamer-Fragments für HTML-Export.

Seems, Beamer+html is much more complicate than Beamer+scrartcl/article.



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