Samuel Wales <> writes:

> I find that inline footnotes solve a lot of problems:

Absolutly. The main reason I don't generally inline footnotes is that I
don't want to *see* them. Basically, footnotes are for readers that are
not my primary audience; sometimes footnotes are only for me and I keep
them only for drafting. Either way, they are noise in the paragraph.
Same thing, when I take notes and want to see the main points at a
glance while keeping reflections out of the way.

I thought about using custom links for footnotes (which would allow me
to hide the definition), but I'm not sure that would work the same way.
Can I have other (custom) links inside the link path (or inside an
inline footnote defintion)?

Thanks for the idea, I have to investigate.

Still, the original questions stands. Maybe `org-copy-subtree' and
`org-paste-subtree' could be adapted? Problem is, these functions use
kill-region internally, and I see no easy way to add the footnote information.

Florian Beck

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