John Hendy <> writes:

>> At the moment, there's no way to override a #+setupfile: keyword
>> locally.
> I guess I don't understand the purpose of #+include, then. It seems we
> have only two options:
> 1) #+setupfile: Will apply to entire buffer as well as subtree
> exports. Cannot be overridden in subtrees.
> 2) #+include: Applies to entire buffer export only; does nothing for
> subtree exports.

#+INCLUDE: "file" replaces keyword with "file" contents. During subtree
export, replacement will happen if the keyword is located within the
subtree being exported.

#+SETUPFILE: "file" just reads Org keywords within "file". All Org
keywords are global, this one makes no exception.

In a nutshell, SETUPFILE should be used for Org set-up. INCLUDE is very
general and can be used to build complex documents. The fact that it
also copies Org keywords from "file" in the current buffer is merely
a side-effect.

> What's the preferred way to customize subtrees? Just add #+latex: or
> #+latex_header: options inside the subtree?

#+LATEX_HEADER: is also global. Use :EXPORT_LATEX_HEADER: in property
drawer instead.

> Going by the LaTeX export guide
> (, I don't
> see recommendations for this. As a use case, perhaps I have a subtree
> with beamer-compatible markup (each subtree will fit on a slide), but
> that I might also include in the whole buffer, or perhaps a different
> css file for the whole buffer vs. the subtree.
> Can this be accomplished?

Off the top of my head, I think there's no direct way to do it. Though,
you can define a property :MY_SETUP: setupfile in the subtree and,
within `org-export-before-processing-hook', call a function:

  - commenting every fSETUPFILE keyword
  - adding #+SETUPFILE: setupfile at the beginning of the buffer.

It involves some (simple) elisp, though.

>>> Based on the above, should that line be removed from the Worg update
>>> guide? If so, I can do that.
>> I think so.
> Will do.

Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou

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