Hi Bastien,

Thanks for giving it a try. Let's see what Nicolas comes up with.

> I would not favor a solution that allows more #+begin_ blocks to
> be inlined.

We've had this one for a while. It's always been a bit anomalous though.

> The proper way to handle this is to introduce a new syntax for
> inlined annotations and to treat them appropriately in exporters.

I think I'd agree.

> Since we have both #+begin_src and src_<lang>{...} I'd suggest
> having annotation_{...} or something similar.

But if annotations are not meant to live in blocks anyway, that analogy

Aren't annotations/comments more analogous to footnotes? They expand on
the text, but you don't want to clutter the text with them. Could we
imagine e.g. an [cmt:: This is an inline comment] syntax? (It would be
good to support timestamps and authornames, though. Maybe colons aren't
good separators if we put timestamps inside. Hm, needs thinking about.)

> The LaTeX exporter could use \marginpar{...} and the HTML back-end
> could make them appear when hovering with the mouse on the annotated
> parts (just an idea.)

Whatever the solution it would be good to have it work for all backends
where it makes sense.

> Maybe we will have to live with the current "regression" for 8.0
> and implement the new syntax for 8.1.  Or for 8.0, if Nicolas thinks
> the change is okay and not too error prone.

I can always go back to inserting ODT annotations with macros, for the
time being.


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