On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 06:43:30PM -0600, Eric Schulte wrote:
> Rick Frankel <r...@rickster.com> writes:

> > *Note* =wrap= and =raw= give same results
> > #+begin_src perl :results raw
> >   q[|c1|c2|
> >   |-
> >   |a|1|
> >   |b|2|];
> > #+end_src
> >
> > #+results:
> > |   | c1 | c2 |
> > |   | -  |    |
> > |   | a  |  1 |
> > |   | b  |  2 |
> >
> This is a problem in the results returned by ob-perl, not in the results
> insertion mechanism.  Given what is actually being returned by that code
> block the results make sense.
>     #+name: perl-example
>     #+begin_src perl :results raw
>       q[|c1|c2|
>       |-
>       |a|1|
>       |b|2|];
>     #+end_src

> If we add verbatim (which inhibits interpretation as a value, which can
> often result in a list or table result), then we get what I assume you
> expect.

>     #+name: perl-example
>     #+begin_src perl :results verbatim raw
>       q[|c1|c2|
>       |-
>       |a|1|
>       |b|2|];
>     #+end_src
>     #+RESULTS: perl-example
>     | c1 | c2 |
>     |----+----|
>     | a  |  1 |
>     | b  |  2 |
Missed verbatim. Thanks for the pointer, it works, but i think that
perl is double-processing returned values. If we do the same things in
elisp i get (my) expected results:

#+begin_src elisp :results raw

| c1 | c2 |
| a  |  1 |
| b  |  2 |

*NOTE* this will not properly clean-up the results, but keep inserting
more copies.
#+begin_src elisp :results raw verbatim


> > #+begin_src perl :results raw output
> >   print q[|c1|c2|
> >   |-
> >   |a|1|
> >   |b|2|
> >   ];

Yes, this was included to show the inconsistency between value and
output returns. BTW, "raw output" and  "raw output verbatim" generate
the same results.

> Footnotes: 
> [1]  http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/header-args.html

I will take a look and see if i come up with anything else. In
general, what I have found with babel processing is that there is
major inconsistency between the results processing in different
languages. Somehow, I would think that the same  output (modulo
sytnactic diferences) should generate the same results regardless of


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