
org-html-publish-to-html is defined in ox-html.el and looks like this
(sans doc):

  (defun org-html-publish-to-html (plist filename pub-dir)
    (org-publish-org-to 'html filename ".html" plist pub-dir))

You could define your own publishing function, e.g.

  (defun my-org-html-publish-to-html (plist filename pub-dir)
    (org-publish-org-to 'html filename ".yml" plist pub-dir))

and refer to that in your org-publish-project-alist.

org-html-extension is used in org-html-export-to-html which calls
org-export-to-file, which is the same function org-publish-org-to
calls (so org-html-extension is bypassed).

There's also the export option :html-extension but it doesn't look
like it's used to name published files.


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