
I am using o-blog for that, it is pretty great. One Org file for everything, 
and it actually splits it into one page per marked headline. You can use one of 
the headlines as a template for the nav section of the page, shared across all 
pages. (As you can tell from the name, it is intended as a blogging tool, but 
you don't have to use it that way ...)

The default template might not be to your taste (I don't like it at all, 
personally, so I made my own essentially from scratch) but you can customize it 
easily enough. And it might actually be close to what you are looking for.

Page: http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/vincent.beffara/
Source: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kdu6myi2ov7y78e/3Ljz5Eipq9
> Thing of a typical HTML5 template having a <header>, <nav>, <footer>,
> and <article>. I'd like Org to include the different exported files into
> the <article> section, and the rest to remain the same. The <nav> would
> contain a global navigation menu, also highlighting the current active
> section (though CSS, no JS please).

I never quite managed to do that ... but it should definitely be doable.


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