I've finally bitten the bullet and tried to get my org-mode export
working with the new export mechanisms, so far so good.

My current sticking point is with my use of #+MACRO and "@" escapes in
them -- they used to work in the old version of org-mode, in the current
one I get them quoted verbatim into the HTML output with text like

@&ltspan blah blah >text@&lt/span>

I must be missing the key part of TFM, since section 12.5.3 seems to say
that "@" still escapes simple HTML tags.  I've got a header file that
includes the line:

#+MACRO: datetime @<span class="datetime" title="$1">$2@</span>

This is then included in the org-mode files with

#+SETUPFILE: ~/path/macros.inc

Then in the text I have entries such as
{{{datetime(2013-04-01,yesterday)}}} -- and it all used to work.

Adrian Tritschler                          mailto:a...@ajft.org
Latitude 38°S, Longitude 145°E, Altitude 50m,      Shoe size 44

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