Quite some time ago, I incorporated reftex into my use of org mode, per
a suggestion on Worg:

;;; Use reftex with org-mode, per Worg

(autoload 'turn-on-reftx "reftex"   "Turn on RefTeX mode." t)
(defun org-mode-reftex-setup ()
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-mode-reftex-setup)

Now I find that this has a bad behavior at least with Aquamacs:  it can
cause attempts to use the menu bar to be interrupted by a cryptic popup
file selector that says "Master file:"

This seems to be reftex trying to set a value for TeX-master.

So maybe reftex is unhappy when it's not invoked inside of AucTeX (where
TeX-master is defined and set).

Anyone else seen this?  Have a solution (e.g., have org files assume
that TeX-master is t)?


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