On 4/4/13 Apr 4 -3:38 PM, Simon Thum wrote:
> Since you're at it: I keep the attached patch personally. I use it to
> sync org-contacts entries to my phone.
> I didn't sign up to the FSF so far, and suck at maintaining emacs commit
> msg conventions. If the patch is interesting I'll do what is required.

I'm afraid I don't use org-contacts, so I don't exactly understand how
this relates.  Are "phone:" links desired?  I.e., would you make the
values of the phone fields be phone-type org hyperlinks?  Or would you
just expect to be able to push phone numbers directly into the
org-phone-call function, without having to make the contact entries
explicitly be hyperlinks?

I suppose one should also attempt to make this compatible with the
org/BBDB integration, another thing about which I'm quite ignorant....


P.S. I note that the contacts databases I have access typically have FAX
and mobile entries as well as home and work.  Many also allow "custom"
phone number types.

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