Hi Seb,

Emacs Lisp is an exception in terms of colname processing, it has
default header arguments set to pass column names through to the code
block, where the processing may be done trivially in Emacs Lisp.

> #+name: input
> | id   | var1 |
> |------+------|
> | obs1 | foo  |
> | obs2 | bar  |


>    #+name: ELisp-echo-1
>    #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=input :colnames yes :exports results
>    data
>    #+end_src


> * Call at export time
> #+call: ELisp-echo-1(data=input)
> I get:
> | id   | var1 |
> | id   | var1 |
> | obs1 | foo  |
> | obs2 | bar  |
> Not at all what I was expecting...

Agreed, I've just pushed up a fix, so the following now works.

    #+name: input
    | id   | var1 |
    | obs1 | foo  |
    | obs2 | bar  |

    #+name: ELisp-echo-1
    #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=input :exports results

    #+call: ELisp-echo-1(data=input)

    #+RESULTS: ELisp-echo-1(data=input)
    | id   | var1 |
    | obs1 | foo  |
    | obs2 | bar  |

Thanks for pointing this out.

Eric Schulte

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