Bastien writes:

> "John Wiegley" <> writes:
>> You'll have to change the positions of the items within the Org file itself.
>> It would be great if there was a single key to do this and then very quickly
>> update the agenda view.
> This is tempting in imagination but I think the real implementation
> would be limited and a bit fragile.
> Limited because you would have to restrict moving around agenda
> entries to Org entries of the same level, and a bit fragile because
> you'll have to 100% that (folded) entries are not corrupted when moved
> around, e.g. from one org agenda file to another.
> So, better to play with something non-interactive and have a property
> for sorting in the agenda only.

I wonder if we had a property that was basically sorting on very large
numbers?  When you add something to the agenda and there aren't any
sorted items, it creates a property with some median-ish very large
number.  As you move things up and down on the agenda it sorts in random
ranges between the chunks of huge number space per item.  This would be
a goofy but workable solution?

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