
I'm helping to edit a large document with section contributions from
many people.  Any given section may come in some bizarre format (ie,
.doc) which I convert to LaTeX, leave open a time for subsequent edits
and finally freeze the section.

I'd like to track this state using org-mode.

So far I've been using a nested checklist like:

* Document Sections [0/4]
  - [-] Chapter 1 [0/3]
    - [ ] section 1 (person A)
    - [ ] section 2 (person B)
    - [ ] section 2 (person C)
  - [-] Chapter 2 [1/1]
    - [X] section 1 (Person D)

This is okay for binary state, but is there any to have more states
represented and get a summary of the percent of each chapter/section in
that state?

For example, I'd like something like:

* Document Sections (received:[1/4] converted:[1/4] frozen:[1/4] missing [1/4])
  - [-] Chapter 1 (received:[2/3] converted:[1/3] frozen:[0/3] missing [1/3])
    - [ ] section 1 (person A)
    - [R] section 2 (person B)
    - [C] section 2 (person C)
  - [-] Chapter 2 (received:[1/1] converted:[1/1] frozen:[1/1] missing [0/1])
    - [F] section 1 (Person D)

Is there anything which gets me in this direction?


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