I have my own difficulties using sbe and decided to try your example.

I even created the shell babel block below which does the same think as the
python code

        #+NAME: epoch2dayshell(epoch=1)
        #+begin_src sh
        echo `date --d @$epoch -u +"[%F %a %T]"`

but I got the same result. Actually, I realize a small detail.

In your example, when you evaluated the table formula you got as result the
1970 date. However, this does not mean that your python code was
executed. You got that answer because you have evaluated the python code
previously with the default argument (equal to 1) and thus you had

        #+RESULTS: epoch2day
        : [1970-01-01 Thu 00:00:01]

in your file. If you erase the #+RESULTS and reevaluate the table you will
get an ERROR. That indicates that sbe is not calling the babel block as I
(and probably you too) was expecting.

However, looking at sbe's documentation I can't see anything wrong with the
formula you wrote. I'm still confused on how to correctly use sbe.


At Thu, 11 Apr 2013 16:26:12 +0200,
Karl Voit wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to define a babel function named epoch2day which I am able to use in a
> table to convert UNIX epoch times to Org-mode time stamps:
>         #+NAME: epoch2day(epoch=1)
>         #+BEGIN_SRC python :results output
>         time = epoch
>         import datetime
>         strtime = str(time)
>         datetimestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(strtime[:10]))
>         print datetimestamp.strftime('[%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S]')
>         #+END_SRC
>         #+RESULTS: epoch2day
>         : [1970-01-01 Thu 00:00:01]
> ... this works so far. However, in a table I can't "overwrite" the default
> value with a column value:
>         |         epoch | day                       |
>         |---------------+---------------------------|
>         | 1262675465119 | [1970-01-01 Thu 00:00:01] |
>         #+TBLFM: $2='(sbe epoch2day (epoch $1))
> ... but $2 should be: [2010-01-05 Tue 07:11:05]
> On [1] I found another example:
>         #+name: add1(x=1) :results silent
>         #+begin_src python
>         return x + 1
>         #+end_src
>         #+RESULTS: add1
>         : 2
>         | foo | bar | 3 | 2 |
>         #+TBLFM: @1$4='(sbe add1 (x $3))
>         #+CALL: add1(x=2)
>         #+RESULTS: add1(x=2)
>         : 2
> So this simple example does not work either at my side[2].
> What is my error? Or did I found a bug?
> Thanks!
>   1. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9595310/org-babel-sbe-syntax
>   2. Org-mode 1af215bb4668bf3e778175e68fcaf from git
> -- 
> mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
>        > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <
> https://github.com/novoid/extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode + more on github

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