Hi, I was delighted to discover the new group tags feature in 8.0, but I'm getting strange results trying it out with a sparse tree.
It looks like matching a group tag matches not only the subtags, but also spuriously matches any tag that *contains* the string of a subtag. So when I match for the tag 'pop' in the below example, I get not only Entry 5 which is tagged 'abba', but also Entry 7, tagged 'yabbadabbadoo'. A tag match for 'abba' correctly returns only Entry 5. Example buffer: #+TAGS: { a : aa ab } { rock : ac dc } { pop : abba } * Entry 1 (grouptag) :a: * Entry 2 (with subtag) :aa:bb: * Entry 3 (no subtag) :ac:dc: * Entry 4 (with subtag) :bb:ab:dd: * Entry 5 (no subtag) :bb:cc:abba: * Entry 6 (no subtag, no 'a' character in tags) :bb:dc:bbdb: * Entry 7 (no subtag, 'abba' sequence in tag) :yabbadabbadoo: * Some sparse tree results Doing `C-c / m' with the following tags produces the following results: - rock :: matches Entry 3 and 6, CORRECT - a :: spurious match of every Entry except 6, the only one without any tag with an `a' character, WRONG - Expected: match Entry 1, 2, 4 - ab :: matches Entry 4, CORRECT - abba :: matches Entry 5, CORRECT (no spurious match of Entry 7) - pop :: matches Entry 5 and 7, WRONG (spurious match of Entry 7) Yours, Christian