daya <> writes: > There are some tasks on which I would like spend a specified time of the day. > I > would like to set a per-day effort on these tasks. The current effort system > seem to support effort per task, not effort per day. What is the recommended > way of doing this? > > - daya
Hi daya, For this I use a habit that tracks this work * TODO Some project ** TODO Work on Some project at least 3 hours per day SCHEDULED: <2013-04-17 Wed .+1d/3d> :PROPERTIES: :STYLE: habit :LAST_REPEAT: [2013-04-16 Tue 17:00] :END: ** TODO Tasks one... Near the end of the day I just do an agenda clock report (C-c a a R) and see if Some project has the required amount of time on it or not. If it does I mark the habit task complete. For individual (non-project) tasks the habit is enough and I give it an effort so the modeline shows time clocked so far today and the limit * TODO Some task I need to do for an hour everyday SCHEDULED: <2013-04-17 Wed .+1d/3d> :PROPERTIES: :LAST_REPEAT: [2013-04-16 Tue 13:27] :Effort: 1:00 :CLOCK_MODELINE_TOTAL: today :END: Regards, Bernt