* Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi Karl,
> Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:
>> Sorry for the late reply. This is because I do have troubles to come
>> up with a minimal example. Starting Emacs with debug-init does not
>> show this issue. I guess I have to strip down my config until this
>> behavior changes (or add el-configs step by step). I'll report.
> Thanks.  The bug looks pretty bad, so I hope this is just a problem in
> your configuration.  But still, I hope this is not a problem in the way
> Org allows you to combine several options.

I'm a bit puzzled since this issue seem to have disappeared.
Yesterday, I was facing this message but today (without upgrading
Org-mode!) I can not reproduce it either :-O

Let's say it was something deeply related to my config which changed

Sorry for the fuzz.

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