Hi Sebastien,

2013ko apirilak 18an, Sebastien Vauban-ek idatzi zuen:
> Hello,
> Bastien wrote:
>> I applied this patch, thanks a lot.  Please see the small changes
>> I made to the ChangeLog entry for next commit messages:
>> http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/org-mode.git/commit/?id=25869e
> How is that suppose to cooperate with ":eval never-export" (which avoids all
> the evaluations during export)?

I could be wrong, but I don’t seem to see a convenient way to set this
header arg for both inline source blocks and #+call lines.  These both
have no way of storing their results in a buffer, so in order to have
them be present in the export they must be evaluated every time.

On the other hand, it is not always desirable to call code blocks on
every export.  They could be very time-consuming to compute.  So, a way
to pick out the non-results-storing blocks is needed.

> I'm not sure to understand why this change is implemented as a variable which
> we would have to set up in our .emacs or bind in the file, instead of an
> header argument which we could set wherever we want (system-wide,
> language-specific, buffer-wide, subtree-wide, or code
> block-specific)...

What form would this take?  Would we have a value of :eval which is

Aaron Ecay

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