On Apr 18, 2013, at 6:07 PM, Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I will leave the donations button on his name until the end of
> April, so if you want to express your thanks to him in this
> way, you have that possibility.  If not, writing to him and
> expressing your amazement with his achievements in the
> last two years will probably make him as happy.

Bastien - I have not contributed any where near as much as I would have liked 
to over the past few year (especially given what I “get out” of Org mode and 
the exporters). I hope my small donation in some way makes up for it. I do know 
that every time I found something “odd” it was always difficult and took me a 
bunch of time to even get a reasonable ECM and despite that you seemed to 
always get to the heart of the problem and quickly push a fix. 

Thank YOU!

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