Alan Schmitt writes:

> Eric Schulte writes:
>> --8< snip
>> Yes, the starter kit waits to load on the after-init-hook so that the
>> Emacs package system will be fully loaded.  That is why the other file
>> you load on the command line is loaded first.
> Then asynchronous export can't work, as it needs ox in that file. I've
> changed my init.el to loading org before the after-init-hook, and I go
> further but then I have an error about the "koma-letter" being
> unknown. It seems that to go this way I would need to load all of my
> export settings before the after-init-hook.

I had problems with mixed up org-versions [1]. The starter-kit uses
org-babel to create the lisp files Emacs needs.

To solve this, I added org-mode-from-git's load-path to init.el, before
require org. After that things worked for me.  The down-side is that
your init.el is no longer the same as the starter-kit's, which makes
upgrading a bit harder.


[1] I use prelude, but use org-babel for my private settings, like the
starter-kit does

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