Hello there,

I've noticed people mentioning on the list that there is a problem
with Worg not publishing, something about an invalid time
specification. Having been publishing Worg locally myself, I noticed
that I was getting a similar error when it came time to construct the
sitemap.org.  My workaround at the time was to set "autositemap nil"
in the emacs.el related to Worg, but with Achim's recent improvements
to emacs.el I thought I'd try to track down what's going on.  Here is
what I found:

If I reset "autositemap t" in worg-init.el (presumably the same
setting as the Worg server) then near the beginning of interactive
publish I get the following:

| Generating tree-style sitemap for Sitemap for project worg-pages [11 times]
| org-publish-format-file-entry: Invalid time specification

Doing `toggle-debug-on-error' yields (I'm deleting most of it)

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid time specification")
|   format-time-string("%Y-%m-%d" "<2010-04-24 Sat>")
|   org-publish-format-file-entry("%t"

If I fix the #+DATE: in org-latex-export.org to 2010-04-24 and
republish, then I don't get an error until the next file with the same
problem.  :-)  Here are the files that generate these errors:

- exporters/beamer/presentation.org [2013-03-13 Wed]
- org-tutorials/non-beamer-presentations.org  <2011-06-02 Thu>
- org-tutorials/org-google-sync.org  <2011-02-28 Mon>
- org-tutorials/org-outside-org.org   <2013-03-12 Di>
- org-tutorials/org-latex-export.org <2010-04-24 Sat>
- org-tutorials/org-meeting-tasks.org <2011-03-30>
- worgmap.org <2013-04-22 Mon>

I have modified the dates on each of those files in the
worg-new-exporter branch and am able to publish successfully even with
"autositemap t".  I am not 100% sure that this is the same problem
Worg is having, but if not then it's one heck of a coincidence.

Rather than push my changes to worg-new-exporter, though, maybe this
is something to be fixed somewhere else?  What I mean is, the
default #+DATE: inserted by `C-c C-e # default RET' is a date that
looks like <XXXX-YY-ZZ Foo>, and that's the same kind of date which
looks to be tripping up Worg.

I hope this helps with tracking down the problem,


P.S. It looks like I can fix the date with even "2013-03-13 Wed", so
maybe it's the "< >" which is causing the problem.

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