Dnia 2013-05-01, o godz. 11:41:49
t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) napisaƂ(a):

> Hi John,
> Jumping in late here, with apologies if that's left me wide of the
> mark.
> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
> > On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Marcin Borkowski
> > <mb...@wmi.amu.edu.pl> wrote:
> > Can you explain semantic vs. visual? As in you can more easily
> > customize the meaning of \alert{} or \emph{} whereas \textbf{} and
> > \textit{} only has one meaning? Sort of like using a css tag which
> > can be later customized vs. specifically calling out exactly what
> > you're thinking you want to do at the moment?
> IMHO, the best discussion of this difference is the first chapter of
> Lamport's LaTeX User's Guide and Manual.  Here is the gist as I
> understand it:
> 1) A principle of typesetting is that the layout of a document should
> reflect its logical structure.
> 2) A computer typesetting program can achieve this if it knows what
> key parts of the document mean.
> 3) So, markup should be semantic, rather than visual.
> It is possible to achieve identical results using visual markup, of
> course, but why not let the computer keep track of things instead?


Notice also that even LaTeX breaks the rule of "use only semantic
markup in the document" (and in fact, there are cases when the rule is
a bit fuzzy anyway).  Finding examples of /visual/ markup in LaTeX
(without semantic counterparts) are left as an exercise for the

(Hint: rahzrengvbaf fglyrf qrcraq abg ba gur punenpgre bs gur
rahzrengvba, ohg ba vgf qrcgu, naq jvgubhg cnpxntrf yvxr rahzvgrz vg'f
abg rnfl gb qrsvar lbhe bja rahzrengvba fglyrf.)

> > Sure, and understood. In general, I'm using *text* simply to call
> > attention to something important. I work in product development, so
> > something like:
> >
> > Customer response to product sampling:
> > - *US:* blah blah blah
> > - *China:* blah blah blah
> > - *India: blah blah blah
> Here, to achieve semantic markup, you would use description lists
> - US :: blah
> - China :: blah
> - India :: blah
> The :: separator lets Org (and ultimately LaTeX) know that the part
> before the separator is the term that is being described.

And then use the enumitem package to customize the exact look of the
description environment.

> hth,
> Tom


Marcin Borkowski
Adam Mickiewicz University

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