ENVIRONMENT:  Using Mac OS X Mountain Lion, Emacs 24.3, Org-mode 7.9.1.

PROBLEM:  When I export to LaTex, there's no hyphenation.

The problem exists even when I manually insert hyphenation points with \-
as shown below.

This problem exists when I process a book manuscript, and also when I
process a tiny file such as the following:

=begin quote=


** Affiliate

a) One individual or organization ("Person") is an Affiliate of another
Per\-son if, either directly or indirectly via one or more intermediaries,
the first Person controls, or is controlled by, or is under common
con\-trol with, the other Person.

b) For this purpose, a\nbsp{}Person controls an organization if the Person
has voting control\nbsp{}--- via legal, beneficial or equitable ownership;
a\nbsp{}voting agreement; or otherwise\nbsp{}--- of securities of (or other
interest in) the organization having more than the Minimum Voting
Percentage (51% if the Agreement does not specify otherwise) of the
aggregate right to vote for the organization's board of directors or
comparable governing body.

c) A\nbsp{}Person also controls an organization if the Person has a
legally-enforceable right to select, or to prevent the selection, of
a\nbsp{}majority of the members of that board or other body.

=end quote=

INVESTIGATION:  I looked at the buffer *Org PDF LaTex Output*; the only
occurrences of any "hyphen"-related string are:

=begin quote=

Babel <v3.8m> and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang,
nohyphenation, ge
rman-x-2012-05-30, ngerman-x-2012-05-30, afrikaans, ancientgreek, ibycus,
c, armenian, basque, bulgarian, catalan, pinyin, coptic, croatian, czech,
h, dutch, ukenglish, usenglishmax, esperanto, estonian, ethiopic, farsi,
h, french, friulan, galician, german, ngerman, swissgerman, monogreek,
greek, h
ungarian, icelandic, assamese, bengali, gujarati, hindi, kannada,
malayalam, ma
rathi, oriya, panjabi, tamil, telugu, indonesian, interlingua, irish,
kurmanji, latin, latvian, lithuanian, mongolian, mongolianlmc, bokmal,
 polish, portuguese, romanian, romansh, russian, sanskrit, serbian,
serbianc, s
lovak, slovenian, spanish, swedish, turkish, turkmen, ukrainian,
welsh, loaded.

=end quote=

EXPERIMENTS:  In the course of a lot of Google-searching, I've tried,
without success, the following:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[english]{babel}


#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[english=hyphenation]{babel}

All suggestions gratefully received.

*D. C. Toedt III * |  IP and contracts lawyer for tech companies   |
 Houston (Central time)
My last name is pronounced "Tate"   |   E: d...@toedt.com  |  O: +1 (713)
364-6545  |  C: +1 (713) 516-8968
*Blog:* On Contracts <http://www.OnContracts.com>  |  *LinkedIn:*

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