Hey, excellent, that works. Thanks so much!

May 6, 2013 1:52 PM

You need to apply CAPTION and NAME keywords on the results, not the
source code.


May 6, 2013 10:40 AM
Hey all,

I've just upgraded to org 8 (from 7.9) and am running into an issue with my latex export.  I can't get captions to show up on the results of a code block evaluation, or reference those results with, for example [[fig:graph]]:

#+caption: Graphviz Example
#+name: fig:graph
#+BEGIN_SRC dot :exports results :file graph.png :eval yes :cmdline -Kdot -Tpng
digraph data_relationships {
  "HTML" [shape=Mrecord, label="{HTML|publish on the web\l}"]
  "LaTeX" [shape=Mrecord, label="{LaTeX|publish in PDF\l}"]
  "org-mode" -> "org-exp-blocks"
  "dot" -> "org-mode"
  "ditaa" -> "org-mode"
  "org-exp-blocks" -> "HTML"
  "org-exp-blocks" -> LaTeX
(+ 2 2)

Captions and internal links to actual code listings are working great:

#+caption: Hello, World in Clojure
#+name: fig:hello
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :eval no
  (println "Hello, World!")

[[fig:hello]] resolves to "1", as expected, and the caption shows up in HTML export and in the Latex export as "Figure 1: Hello, World in Clojure".

In org 7.9, my captions resolved on the png results but would never show up on code exports. Is there some option flag I need to enable to generate refs for embedded PNGs?


Sam Ritchie, Twitter Inc

(Too brief? Here's why! http://emailcharter.org)

Sam Ritchie, Twitter Inc

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