Am 07.05.2013 20:18, schrieb Eric Schulte:
Andreas Röhler <> writes:

Am 07.05.2013 18:41, schrieb Eric Schulte:
#+NAME: test2
#+begin_src python :results value :preamble # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- :return
a = ( ( "é", "a" ), ( "a", "à" ) )
b = "é"

#+RESULTS: test2
| \303\251 | a        |
| a        | \303\240 |

Maybe this isn't an execution problem, but is rather a buffer encoding
problem.  I executed your example above in a small buffer (attached).  I
then saved this buffer and was forced to specify an encoding, I selected
utf8.  If I cat the resulting file from disk, the accented characters
appear correctly.

So maybe the problem is simply Emacs not displaying utf8 characters

Hope this helps,

Here error occurs depending if a or b is specified for return, really strange.

I think this may be a problem with the Python code.  The snippet above
expands to the following python.

which, when executed returns the following raw string (which is then
interpreted by Org-mode).

Maybe Python simply needs to be convinced to print in utf-8 format?


Get the wrong results with a Ipython0.12, but correct with Python3.2.3 and 
Python3.3 - all called from Emacs24.3

<<attachment: python.png>>

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