
James Harkins <jamshar...@gmail.com> writes:

> The other reference to multicolumn is for table export, and this isn't
> a table either. So I think, as currently designed, :multicolumn simply
> doesn't apply.

Correct. The first attached patch implements :float multicolumn
and :float figure handling for source blocks. Would you mind to test it?

> I'm aware that BEGIN_figure delimits a "special block" which
> translates into LaTeX as an arbitrary environment, and not all
> environments can be floated safely... but perhaps one approach for the
> future would be to consider BEGIN_figure to be an extra-special
> "special block" where we know that the properties of LaTeX floating
> bodies are valid.

The second patch introduces :starred attribute for special blocks in
latex back-end, e.g.,

  #+attr_latex: :starred t :options [b]

I think it could be useful. Do you?


Nicolas Goaziou
>From cbc4a3a0b98cab9455bd7d3bd8b0ea8bfe8ea34e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaz...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 10:43:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] ox-latex: Implement :float attribute for source blocks

* lisp/ox-latex.el (org-latex-src-block): Handle :float attribute. Its
  value can be set to "figure", "multicolumn" or "nil".

This needs to be documented in Org manual.
 lisp/ox-latex.el | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ox-latex.el b/lisp/ox-latex.el
index 41cf1d0..669c84b 100644
--- a/lisp/ox-latex.el
+++ b/lisp/ox-latex.el
@@ -2073,21 +2073,27 @@ contextual information."
 			(continued (org-export-get-loc src-block info))
 			(new 0)))
 	   (retain-labels (org-element-property :retain-labels src-block))
-	   (long-listing
-	    (let ((attr (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex src-block)))
-	      (if (plist-member attr :long-listing)
-		  (plist-get attr :long-listing)
-		org-latex-long-listings))))
+	   (attributes (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex src-block))
+	   (long-listing (if (plist-member attributes :long-listing)
+			     (plist-get attributes :long-listing)
+			   org-latex-long-listings))
+	   (float (plist-get attributes :float)))
        ;; Case 1.  No source fontification.
        ((not org-latex-listings)
 	(let* ((caption-str (org-latex--caption/label-string src-block info))
-	       (float-env (and (not long-listing)
-			       (or label caption)
-			       (format "\\begin{figure}[H]\n%s%%s\n\\end{figure}"
-				       caption-str))))
+	       (float-env
+		(cond (long-listing "%s")
+		      ((string= "multicolumn" float)
+		       (format "\\begin{figure*}[%s]\n%s%%s\n\\end{figure*}"
+			       org-latex-default-figure-position
+			       caption-str))
+		      ((or label caption (string= "figure" float))
+		       (format "\\begin{figure}[H]\n%s%%s\n\\end{figure}"
+			       caption-str))
+		      (t "%s"))))
-	   (or float-env "%s")
+	   float-env
 	   (concat (format "\\begin{verbatim}\n%s\\end{verbatim}"
 			   (org-export-format-code-default src-block info))))))
        ;; Case 2.  Custom environment.
@@ -2097,46 +2103,52 @@ contextual information."
        ;; Case 3.  Use minted package.
        ((eq org-latex-listings 'minted)
-	(let ((float-env
-	       (and (not long-listing)
-		    (or label caption)
-		    (format "\\begin{listing}[H]\n%%s\n%s\\end{listing}"
-			    (org-latex--caption/label-string src-block info))))
-	      (body
-	       (format
-		"\\begin{minted}[%s]{%s}\n%s\\end{minted}"
-		;; Options.
-		(org-latex--make-option-string
-		 (if (or (not num-start)
-			 (assoc "linenos" org-latex-minted-options))
-		     org-latex-minted-options
-		   (append `(("linenos")
-			     ("firstnumber" ,(number-to-string (1+ num-start))))
-			   org-latex-minted-options)))
-		;; Language.
-		(or (cadr (assq (intern lang) org-latex-minted-langs)) lang)
-		;; Source code.
-		(let* ((code-info (org-export-unravel-code src-block))
-		       (max-width
-			(apply 'max
-			       (mapcar 'length
-				       (org-split-string (car code-info)
-							 "\n")))))
-		  (org-export-format-code
-		   (car code-info)
-		   (lambda (loc num ref)
-		     (concat
-		      loc
-		      (when ref
-			;; Ensure references are flushed to the right,
-			;; separated with 6 spaces from the widest line
-			;; of code.
-			(concat (make-string (+ (- max-width (length loc)) 6)
-					     ?\s)
-				(format "(%s)" ref)))))
-		   nil (and retain-labels (cdr code-info)))))))
+	(let* ((caption-str (org-latex--caption/label-string src-block info))
+	       (float-env
+		(cond (long-listing "%s")
+		      ((string= "multicolumn" float)
+		       (format "\\begin{listing*}\n%%s\n%s\\end{listing*}"
+			       caption-str))
+		      ((or label caption (string= "figure" float))
+		       (format "\\begin{listing}[H]\n%%s\n%s\\end{listing}"
+			       caption-str))
+		      (t "%s")))
+	       (body
+		(format
+		 "\\begin{minted}[%s]{%s}\n%s\\end{minted}"
+		 ;; Options.
+		 (org-latex--make-option-string
+		  (if (or (not num-start)
+			  (assoc "linenos" org-latex-minted-options))
+		      org-latex-minted-options
+		    (append
+		     `(("linenos")
+		       ("firstnumber" ,(number-to-string (1+ num-start))))
+		     org-latex-minted-options)))
+		 ;; Language.
+		 (or (cadr (assq (intern lang) org-latex-minted-langs)) lang)
+		 ;; Source code.
+		 (let* ((code-info (org-export-unravel-code src-block))
+			(max-width
+			 (apply 'max
+				(mapcar 'length
+					(org-split-string (car code-info)
+							  "\n")))))
+		   (org-export-format-code
+		    (car code-info)
+		    (lambda (loc num ref)
+		      (concat
+		       loc
+		       (when ref
+			 ;; Ensure references are flushed to the right,
+			 ;; separated with 6 spaces from the widest line
+			 ;; of code.
+			 (concat (make-string (+ (- max-width (length loc)) 6)
+					      ?\s)
+				 (format "(%s)" ref)))))
+		    nil (and retain-labels (cdr code-info)))))))
 	  ;; Return value.
-	  (if float-env (format float-env body) body)))
+	  (format float-env body)))
        ;; Case 4.  Use listings package.
 	(let ((lst-lang
@@ -2152,19 +2164,25 @@ contextual information."
 			     (org-export-data main info)))))))
 	   ;; Options.
-	   (format "\\lstset{%s}\n"
-		   (org-latex--make-option-string
-		    (append
-		     org-latex-listings-options
-		     `(("language" ,lst-lang))
-		     (when label `(("label" ,label)))
-		     (when caption-str `(("caption" ,caption-str)))
-		     (cond ((assoc "numbers" org-latex-listings-options) nil)
-			   ((not num-start) '(("numbers" "none")))
-			   ((zerop num-start) '(("numbers" "left")))
-			   (t `(("numbers" "left")
-				("firstnumber"
-				 ,(number-to-string (1+ num-start)))))))))
+	   (format
+	    "\\lstset{%s}\n"
+	    (org-latex--make-option-string
+	     (append
+	      org-latex-listings-options
+	      (cond
+	       ((string= "multicolumn" float) '(("float" "*")))
+	       ((and (string= "figure" float)
+		     (not (assoc "float" org-latex-listings-options)))
+		`(("float" ,org-latex-default-figure-position))))
+	      `(("language" ,lst-lang))
+	      (when label `(("label" ,label)))
+	      (when caption-str `(("caption" ,caption-str)))
+	      (cond ((assoc "numbers" org-latex-listings-options) nil)
+		    ((not num-start) '(("numbers" "none")))
+		    ((zerop num-start) '(("numbers" "left")))
+		    (t `(("numbers" "left")
+			 ("firstnumber"
+			  ,(number-to-string (1+ num-start)))))))))
 	   ;; Source code.

>From 814edb94ffc45c0d1734e42805d8ede33ad81f67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaz...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 10:44:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] ox-latex: Implement :starred attribute for special blocks

* lisp/ox-latex.el (org-latex-special-block): Implement :starred
  attribute for special blocks.
 lisp/ox-latex.el | 10 ++++++----
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ox-latex.el b/lisp/ox-latex.el
index 669c84b..ab5c062 100644
--- a/lisp/ox-latex.el
+++ b/lisp/ox-latex.el
@@ -2045,15 +2045,17 @@ holding contextual information."
   "Transcode a SPECIAL-BLOCK element from Org to LaTeX.
 CONTENTS holds the contents of the block.  INFO is a plist
 holding contextual information."
-  (let ((type (downcase (org-element-property :type special-block)))
-	(opt (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex special-block :options)))
-    (concat (format "\\begin{%s}%s\n" type (or opt ""))
+  (let* ((type (downcase (org-element-property :type special-block)))
+	 (attributes (org-export-read-attribute :attr_latex special-block))
+	 (opt (plist-get attributes :options))
+	 (starredp (plist-get attributes :starred)))
+    (concat (format "\\begin{%s%s}%s\n" type (if starredp "*" "") (or opt ""))
 	    ;; Insert any label or caption within the block
 	    ;; (otherwise, a reference pointing to that element will
 	    ;; count the section instead).
 	    (org-latex--caption/label-string special-block info)
-	    (format "\\end{%s}" type))))
+	    (format "\\end{%s%s}" type (if starredp "*" "")))))
 ;;;; Src Block

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