Rasmus writes:

> Alan Schmitt <alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> writes:
>>> It seems there are some semantic bugs in ox-koma-letter.el in that new
>>> variables are introduces for SENDER (as opposed to AUTHOR) and a
>>> separate email variable as well.  This seems like a semantic bug IMO.
>>> This patch fixes these issues if they in fact are issues.
>> Can we still use an lco file to set these after this change?
> (I'll also post this on the list).
> You can't set
>   #+SENDER: 
> Which seems to be how it was set up before.  You can use 
>   #+AUTHOR
> So if you decide to convert your document from something you'd export
> with the normal LaTeX exporter it would be smoother this way.  Author
> now works the same way that it does in the LaTeX exporter (come to
> think of it, we probably shouldn't need to mention anything as it
> build on top of the LaTeX exporter anyway). 
> Thus, unless you disable export of author it wouldn't work with a LCO
> file.  But then we could make export of author conditional on
> :with-author as in ox-latex.el and you could use LCO files.
> The gain is that in the (for me) 99.9% of the cases where I want to
> send a letter in my own name the exporter just figures it out without
> be having to specify anything (like in the normal exporter).

OK, sounds good, I've applied it.



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