
I'm trying to post-process a LaTeX code block, so that the evaluated results
gets framed on export.

While almost working, my trials fail, because the results of the code block
gets wrapped in a table:

    | \begin{mdframed} |        |      |
    | \begin{itemize}  |        |      |
    | \item            | Item   | a    |
    | \begin{itemize}  |        |      |
    | \item            | Deeper | item |
    | \end{itemize}    |        |      |
    | \end{itemize}    |        |      |
    | \end{mdframed}   |        |      |

Here an ECM demo'ing the problem:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+TITLE:     ECM
#+AUTHOR:    Seb Vauban
#+OPTIONS:   H:2

#+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation,t]

#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{mdframed}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \mdfsetup{linecolor=gray!40,linewidth=.4pt,%
#+LaTeX_HEADER: innertopmargin=0.4em, innerrightmargin=0.4em,%
#+LaTeX_HEADER: innerbottommargin=0.4em, innerleftmargin=0.4em}

* Syntax

** Hidden code                                                      :noexport:

#+name: frameit
#+begin_src sh :var data="" :results output verbatim
echo "\begin{mdframed}"
echo "$data"
echo "\end{mdframed}"

** Post-process the results

I want to display the results of *this LaTeX code's interpretation* inside a
framebox, so that it clearly stands out from the rest of the document.

#+name: latexcode
#+begin_src latex :exports both :post frameit(data=*this*) :results verbatim
\item Item a
\item Deeper item

** Results...

#+results: latexcode
\item Item a
\item Deeper item

However, while the results in the Org buffer (here, just above) is correct,
the one at the export time is not: it is "table'd".

Having explicitly put "verbatim" for the results does not help.

Any idea??
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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