> As a side note, I had quite a few problems working with your patches.
> None of them applied against master, or against my latest patch as you
> claimed. I had to merge in some of the changes of 0002 by hand. I
> suggest that we nail down the workings of AUTHOR and EMAIL first (should
> be done now) and then start with clean separate branches branched from
> master for your subject and heading code. We could even use github for
> this, what do you think?

. . . Also, a separate place/branch would allow for a common TODO file
to keep a record of what we discuss and more importantly what we've
concluded on subject X, Y, Z which otherwise might be forgotten.

It could also hold a working copy of Viktor's tutorial which then
could be updated more frequently.  Lot's of explanation (which is my
fault) is now hidden in the commit messages.


PS: What would be even better would be to keep the source and tutorial
in the same file encoring updating.  Of course, I'd want the
docstrings to be the main documentation still.

E.g. using Org-babel or "some-other-mechanism".  E.g. paredit
generates info automatically.

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