Eric Schulte <> writes:

> (Rainer M. Krug) writes:
>> Hi
>> I am using  org-babel-tangle-jump-to-org when debugging code written in
>> org and tangled. I have some longisch code blocks and it is always
>> irritating, as it only jumps to the codde block. Would it be possible to
>> extend the function, that it jumps to the line of the code?
>> That would make this funktion much more user friendly.
> I've just pushed up a change which should make this change.  I tested
> this against the example.C file tangled from the attached Org-mode file.

Thanks - works much better now.
Very nice - it jumps even to the location in an indirect buffer -

Without trying to be a perfectionist, it is in most cases between one
and three lines off.

Is this only in y case? If yes, please let me know and I can send you an
org file privately.

It would be really nice, if it would be possible to put the cursor on
the same line, preferably same character? But it is definitely usable
like this for debugging.

> * example
>   :tangle:   yes
>   :comments: link
>   :END:
> The required headers.
> #+name: header
> #+begin_src C
>   #include <stdio.h>
> #+end_src
> Here is the auxiliary function.
> #+name: auxiliary
> #+begin_src C
>   void aux(char* arg){
>     printf("first argument: %s\n", arg);
>   }
> #+end_src
> Here is the main function.
> #+name: main
> #+begin_src C
>   int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>   {
>     aux(argv[1]);
>     return 0;
>   }
> #+end_src
> While implementing this change I did notice that this jumping
> functionality only appears to work with linked code blocks, 

linked code blocks? Do you mean the header argument :comments link or,
as I use :comments yes? If I remember correctly, when you announced this
function, you explicitly mentioned that :comments yes is required for it
to work?

Thanks a lot,


>which should
> I believe is a bug.
> Best,
>> Thanks,
>> Rainer

Rainer M. Krug

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