Daimrod <daim...@gmail.com> writes:

> Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:
>> * Daimrod <daim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Karl,
>> Hi Daimrod!
>>>> This is a very good patch, fixing an issue I also do have currently.
>>> I am curious, what was the issue?
>> Sure: I do use contacts.org by myself and I tend to collect data
>> about people and never delete any. For example, previously used
>> phone numbers are quite handy in order to get a connection between
>> old text messages or phone call logs and a person.
>> However, I do not want to mess up current phone numbers with old
>> ones.
>> With this ignore feature, I am able to address this issue (in the
>> future). For now, I do not export contact information from Org-mode
>> to somewhere else (except: lbdb -> mutt). In the future, I plan to
>> add a workflow that gets contact information form Org-mode (my
>> central point of information) to my phone and so forth.

I use SSHdroid in my android phone, and use keybinding  F12 to  pull vcf
file to my phone.  In my phone, I use VcardIO update my contacts

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") '(lambda () (interactive) 
                                            (progn (org-mobile-push)
#+end_src emacs-lisp

> I see, thanks for the explanation.


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