Alexander Wingård <> writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <eric <at>> writes:
>> Alexander Wingård <alexander.wingard <at>> writes:
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > I want to create special key-bindings that use the org-refile goto
>> > interface to jump to specific headings.
> More specific example, let's say I want to bind keys in my .emacs file:
> "C-c b" -> find "" and jump to "Projects/Work/Bugs"
> "C-c m" -> find "" and jump to "Projects/Work/Meetings"
>> >
>> > My initial attempt was:
>> > (org-refile 4 "" "Projects/Work/Bugs")
>> >
>> > But it seems specifying RFLOC is not that simple.
>> >
>> > Someone have any idea how to achieve this or another way to jump to a
>> > heading?
>> Is the `org-goto' interface close enough? It only does the current
>> buffer, but you can set org-goto-interface to make it behave a fair bit
>> like refile...
> I've looked at that function aswell but it seems even harder to achieve 
> what I want with: Call it from lisp without any user interaction. If you think
> that is possible I would love an example.

Ah, I see. Well, if you're just looking for a lisp function to jump to a
headline, you could use `org-refile-get-targets' to produce a full table
of all the possible refile targets, and then choose among them. (assoc
"" (org-refile-get-targets)) will find the
right heading, then I guess the value of point is in that heading
somewhere -- you can visit the file and goto-point.

But if you're just looking to bind a bunch of keys to "jump to specific
heading" commands, I'd use custom ids. Give all the headings in question
ID properties, and then just use something like this:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") (lambda () (org-id-open

Hope that helps,

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