Hi Luke!

> I just noticed that the List of Figures is not being generated in 8.0.3.
> I have a figure with;
> #+LATEX: \listoffigures
> #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=5.5cm
> #+CAPTION: A Caption Here
> #+LABEL: fig:test-figure-1
> #+begin_src plantuml :file test-figure-1.png :cmdline -Tpng
> plantuml stuff here
> #+end_src
> I have verified that the png is being generated in 8.0.3.  However the
> figure is not being included in the List of Figures.
> References to the figure \ref{fig:test-figure-1} will render as ?? in the
> Latex output.  There references render as "\ref{fig:test-figure-1}" in the
> HTML output.
> Works correctly in org-more 7.8.11

It seems you're using v8.0.3. . .

> Can anyone help?

Surely the manual: http://orgmode.org/org.html.

Your example would be something like 

#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+TOC: figures ## <-- not implemented currently
#+LATEX: \listoffigures

Correlation between the manual and proficiency is displayed in figure

#+NAME: gen-correlation
#+begin_src plantuml :file test-figure-1.png :cmdline -Tpng
  <<code which returns test-figure-1.png>> 

#+ATTR_LaTeX: :width 5.5cm
#+CAPTION: A Caption Here
#+NAME: fig:test-figure-1
#+RESULTS: gen-correlation

m-mm-mmm-mmmm bacon!

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