Stephen Berman <> writes:

> On Wed, 12 Jun 2013 20:01:14 +0200 Thorsten Jolitz <> wrote:
>> on the 'emacs-devel' mailing list I saw the announcement of a new
>> version of `todo-mode.el', which I found a bit surprising - I would not
>> have expected that something else as Org-mode is used nowadays to manage
>> todo lists with Emacs?
>> How is the relation between these two packages - if there is any?
>> Anybody with more insights?
> I'm the one who wrote the new version of todo-mode.el and I didn't make
> any attempt to borrow features or code from Org mode, which I know very
> little about.  I started using, and making changes to, Todo mode well
> before Org existed.  After Org appeared I briefly looked at its todo
> list UI, but I was used to and liked Todo mode's UI and handling of todo
> lists and Org's UI and handling didn't appeal to me as much for the way
> I use todo lists, so I didn't try using it any further, and because I
> kept working on Todo mode, changing it to suit my needs, I haven't felt
> compelled to try Org again.  I know, of course, that Org does a lot more
> than todo lists.  I've been casually monitoring this list for a couple
> of months, but due to my unfamiliarity can't follow most of the
> discussions.  Maybe I'll give Org another try.

Ok, thanks for the info, a bit of package competition can't do no harm,
and since envy is a strong motivation, some of the better features of
one package might be ported later on to the other package too (see vim
vs. emacs).

I was just confused to read about an Emacs todo-mode without any
mentioning of Org-mode - now the context is clearer. 


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